Customer Care

Find details regarding shipping & delivery, returns & exchanges and warranty information


If you need to return an item that you have purchased online, you can return the item at any of our locations in-person.

  • If you would like to return the item online, simply visit the order page through your account or by clicking view order on the confirmation email
  • Items for return must be unworn and still have the tags attached
  • Once we receive your returned item our team will look over the item and make sure it clears inspection and a refund will be processed within a week of receiving it. Refunds take 5-10 business days to appear back onto your original form of payment.
  • Return labels will be provided for a flat rate of $15 off of your return
  • Returns must be shipped back within 30-days of the return request approval. After 30-days the return will be cancelled and a new request must be submitted. If you need further support with this timeline please reach out to our customer service team.
Store Locations


If you would like to exchange an item that you have purchased online, you can exchange the item at any of our locations in-person.

The exchange window is 30-days from the date you receive the product to qualify for an exchange request.

  • So if you would like to exchange an item please reach out to our customer service email to request the item you would like.
  • The customer service team will create an exchange for you to begin the return of the original item
  • Once the team receives the return the exchange item will be shipped.
  • Return labels will be provided for a flat rate of $15
Store Locations

Ironclad Guarantee

Patagonia Calgary | Banff | Victoria is Western Canada’s premier service center for Patagonia warranties, honoring Patagonia’s Ironclad Guarantee. 

We guarantee everything we make. If you are not satisfied with one of our products at the time you receive it, or if one of our products does not perform to your satisfaction, return it to the store you bought it from or to Patagonia for a repair, replacement or refund. Damage due to wear and tear will be repaired at a reasonable cost.

We are happy to facilitate the repair of your item. Please wash all items before bringing them into one of the stores for assessment. If deemed repairable we will send them to the repair facility. Please note that a repair could take 6-8 weeks to process, so please plan accordingly. We pay for repairs that we’re responsible for and charge a fair price for repairs due to normal wear and tear.

The warranty & repair service is for in-store drop-off only; we do not accept mailed products for this service.

Store Locations

Price Matching

We honor competitors pricing for the same style/same size/same color/same gender. Our competitor must have the item in stock that matches the style/size/color/gender for us to honor the price. The competitor must also ship within Canada to be accepted as a price match.

Price Adjustment

Our price is guaranteed for 14-days from the day you order the product. If you purchase an item that goes on sale, we will refund you the difference to your original form of tender or to store credit up to 14 days from the date purchased. Please reach out to our customer service team at to request a price adjustment.

*Note: Items purchased before Christmas are excluded from the price adjustment policy after December 25th regardless of the date of purchase.


Shipping & Delivery

Where do you ship?

Elements Inc. Ships exclusively within Canada

How long will it take to process my order?

Most orders will be processed within 1-2 days and shipped one the next available business day.

Who does Elements Inc. ship with?

We currently ship with Canada Post and offer FREE shipping on all orders over $99 before tax. (When Canada Post is closed for Canadian Holidays, Elements Inc. will ship within 2 business days after the Holiday)

Where is my Tracking Number?

You will receive an email from Canada Post containing your orders tracking number once Canada Post has picked up the shipment. 

I have only received part of my order, what should I do?

If you have ordered multiple items, your order may be shipped from multiple locations and arrive in multiple parcels.

If you believe it has been longer than you expected to receive the rest of your order then feel free to email us at

For your protection, we perform an address verification and will cross reference the billing address of your order and the billing address of your credit card. Typically this is your home address.


*To reduce our impact on the environment your order may be shipped in a recycled box and delivered using Canada Posts carbon neutral shipping.

Additional Resources


All prices are in Canadian dollars. We accept Visa or Mastercard as forms of online payment.

Note: Elements Inc. must collect the applicable provincial and federal tax according to where the item will be shipped at the time of processing. (See Tax below)

British Columbia - GST: 5% PST: 7%

Alberta - GST: 5%

Saskatchewan - GST: 5%

Manitoba - GST: 5%

Ontario - HST: 13%

Quebec - GST: 5%

New Brunswick - HST: 15%

Nova Scotia - HST: 15%

Prince Edward Island - HST: 15%

Newfoundland - HST: 15%

Northwest Territories - GST: 5%

Yukon - GST: 5%

Nunavut - GST: 5%

Terms and Conditions

By accessing our website, you, the user, agree to the terms and conditions we set out here. These terms and conditions may change at our discretion any time and without notice. All orders and purchases made through this site are also governed by these terms and conditions.

Use of and orders placed on this website are governed by the laws and the courts of the province of Alberta, and by the applicable laws of Canada. The user is also responsible for complying with these laws. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods will not apply.

We may correct errors or inaccuracies and change or update information on this website at any time without notice, including prices and item availability. All sizes and weights quoted are approximate. All prices listed are in Canadian dollars, and all charges will be processed in Canadian dollars. All prices listed on this site are subject to confirmation. You agree to pay all charges payable for your order. We reserve the right to limit the quantity of items that you may buy. We also reserve the right to cancel orders at our discretion.

We will make our best effort to ship all products to you within 2-5 days of the placement of your order at the quoted shipping cost; We will notify you if items in your order are out of stock, and give you the option to cancel if your items cannot be delivered within a reasonable time; We are not responsible for delivery delays beyond our control. All items are delivered by a third party, and delivery is governed by their shipping contracts. We reserve the right not to ship to certain addresses.

Review Guidelines

We Value Your Feedback!

When writing your review, please adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Focus on the product and your individual experience using it
  • Provide details about why you liked or disliked a product
  • We reserve the right to not post your review if it contains any of the following types of content or violates other guidelines:
  • Obscenities, discriminatory language, or other language not suitable for a public forum
  • Advertisements, “spam” content, or references to other products, offers, or websites
  • Email addresses, URLs, phone numbers, physical addresses or other forms of contact information
  • Critical or spiteful comments on other reviews posted on the page or their authors

In addition, if you wish to share feedback with us about product selection, pricing, ordering, delivery or other customer service issues, please do not submit this feedback through a product review.

Contact form

If you need to get in touch with us to help with any of the above mentioned topics don’t hesitate to reach out to us at or fill in the contact form below.

Elements Inc. Customer Care

Tuesday to Saturday 9:00 am MST to 5 pm MST